
Please be aware you may see different period key formats on the VAT DETAILS page than you are expecting. Many will have alpha numeric period keys (e.g. 18A1) and will not have any open obligations for periods prior to joining MTD. However, if you have a fully numeric period key (e.g. 0419) you will be able to see your open obligations for periods both before they have signed up to MTD and since joining MTD.
Due to a now resolved issue with HMRC’s systems we have found some customers may be receiving errors when they are using this application. The error occurs if you have authorised an account on HRMC site and returned to the site later. If this error has occurred to your account it will be necessary to authorise the account again.
Only One Month To Go -28 February 2019
One month to go before electronic VAT submissions are required. HMRC have recognised this portal for Live VAT submissions. Are you ready? Contact us if you need help